Friday, August 16, 2024

As a writer it's important to complete your thoughts in the moment

 As a writer I find it's very important to complete your thoughts in the moment. Why?

Because you will never be in this moment again.

What I mean by this is you will never be who you are today any other day in the future. So, when you have an idea or are trying to do something (like me at my blogs) I find that unless I have time to complete a thought (any thought) I usually have to delete what I'm writing if it is an article.

However, there are exceptions to this as well. For example, if I'm writing a book I find it is a relationship much like a long term love affair or marriage (very similar) and so it's a different level of commitment.

Whereas writing or compiling  or both an article is more like a one night stand. You don't have the same level of commitment that you do when you write something much longer.

Also, when I write longer things I like to leave them open ended without really ending them. Did your own life ever end? No. It goes on seemingly forever from a human point of view.

So, I like to write like I live my life in that it appears at least to go on forever. 

This is one reason why I don't like to end things because things in some ways never end in real life unless you pass on and even then my experience is that things don't end even then.

Once you have the experience like I have had that Souls are scientifically a real thing because you experience how your soul can separate from your body and be okay with or without your body life becomes something very different.

If you believe you have a soul that is one thing. 

But, it is sort of like seeing Hawaii on TV never having been there.

Until you actually go there and experience it in all it's good and bad and indifferent ways you don't really get how the Hawaiian Islands are in many ways like a Foreign country more than they are another STate of the 50 STates of America.

In fact, you have to actually live there beyond vacationing there to understand this more fully of how it costs about 3 times as much to live in Hawaii than to live in California, for example.

It's one of the many reasons why I don't live there still. It's just too expensive. The average home price in Maui for example right now is 1.5 million dollars. How many people even in the U.S. can afford something like that?

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