Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Headed north after Gas and Carbon monoxide leak at rental house in Rancho Bernardo

 Basically, I walked into the kitchen of the rental and I smelled gas and told my wife there was a gas leak. Since it wasn't noticeable until she put on the oven to bake something I realized it had to be a gas appliance leak. I told her to turn off the oven because we weren't going to have oven baked potatoes tonight. I said you might use the microwave and she said I don't want to turn on anything electric. Also, I have a headache, do you think it's from the gas leak. I said, "Yes. That's pretty common with a gas leak where you get a headache from I think it's called hypoxia where you aren't getting enough oxygen to your brain because of a natural gas leak or other gas leak or carbon Monoxide leak in an oven for example, where it's not burning cleanly enough and creates carbon monoxide. You are lucky I knew what it was so you didn't just faint from lack of oxygen in here. So, we opened up the house to let the Gas and carbon monoxide fumes out and eventually after packing our stuff up to leave permanently, we called the fire department and reported this incident. However, they were supposed to notify the local Gas Company which is SDGand E but they didn't do that so my wife was sitting waiting for an emergency visit from SDGE and they didn't come for 5 hours while she waited outside because no one had notified them of the problem. So, finally at 10pm at night my wife called SDG&E and told them we had had an emergency so they sent someone out that was done by 11pm. I had already moved us into a hotel room by then. It was sort of Sad to give up about 300 dollars or more of food in the refrigerator though because of this incident.

I think that if the Fire Department cannot smell Gas that their procedure is to not shut off the gas if no gas can be smelled so this makes sense. So, I think they were relieved that neither they nor us or the neighborhood was going to blow up and away into the sky like happens maybe once every week or month around the U.S. now. So, I think they were relieved no one likely was going to die.

However, when the SDG&E emergency Guy showed up he said that someone had tampered with the Oven which was causing it to give off both uncombusted Gas as well as Carbon Monoxide gas, either of which can be fatal to humans if it prevent them breathing enough oxygen by these gases being present in the inside household air.

So, We were very glad the Fire Department came and very glad no one died "Them or us or neighbors of this house too". This happen just before the sun went down Sunday by the way in Rancho Bernardo.

Anyway, we had moved into a hotel room and given up all our refrigerated food because we had no place to store it that was refrigerated large enough. Monday I woke up and traveled to my cousins house in Orange, He and two of his kids are lawyers now. So, it was good to have a good experience after all that.

My wife stayed to help our adopted daughter take care of her newborn for a couple more days before she meets me here where I am now in Santa Barbara at our Family house here near the beach. 

I'm just pretty tired from having to drive two days in a row through San Diego and Los Angeles Traffic to get to Santa Barbara. Mostly if and when we head north we shouldn't hit too much traffic except maybe around Santa Maria or near Pismo beach and San Luis Obsipo but it is nothing like everything south of Santa Barbara which is 25 million people from SAnta Barbara to San Diego which is a lot of people and a whole lot of potentially difficult traffic 24 hours a day.

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