Saturday, August 3, 2024

How is soul travel helpful?

In a purely practical way to stay alive while driving I'm not sure whether you would call this telepathy or Soul Travel or a combination of both?

But, when I sense someone's mind doesn't see me in my vehicle for ANY reason when they might hit my vehicle because they don't see me I say in their mind: "Hey! I'm HERE!" This way I avoid accidents all the time by telling people who aren't aware of me that I am there going by so they don't run into me.

Many people think drunk or drivers on legal or illegal drugs are the worst but I can tell you first hand as an intuitive it's people who just had someone die or just broke up with their lover or spouse or someone like their child or grandparent just died are actually the scariest drivers of all. Why?

Because when you lose someone subconsciously you might want to be dead with them or to be anywhere with them and unconsciously you might create your own death.

And the rest of us drivers out there don't want to be a part of your subconscious death wish when someone close to you dies or breaks up with you.

This is just REALITY 101 on roads and freeways everywhere on earth.

By God's Grace we survive to drive another day!

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