Sunday, August 25, 2024

Imagine being 32 billion years old and only experiencing Being and not really time (at least as we know time)

What would that be like? It would be completely different than what it is like to be a human being here on earth or what anyone has experienced likely in the last 10,000 years or more as a human being here on earth.

However, I have known for years that Enlightenment doesn't really have anything at all to do with time.

Enlightenment is about Pure Being and when you can go someplace in nature like the ocean or the wilderness or the desert or whatever works for you then it is easier I find to experience pure Being.

When I first lived in Hawaii with my first wife in 1974 in Hilo, Hawaii on the Big Island I experienced how different life has always been on the islands where fruit grows easily and you can fish for a living and eat well (as long as you only want to eat fruit and fish or taro root). But, what I really realized is just how neurotic living in the snow makes people where they have to be busy all the time and never slow down enough to really get to know themselves. This was my first experience living in Hawaii. Though I also lived on Maui in 1989 and 1990 with my 2nd wife and some of my children who were not grown up all the way yet I never forgot how different life likely always was in a tropical climate where you don't have to struggle to stay alive all the time like in snowier realms. I realized that enlightenment likely would be easier to reach for people in warmer climates around the world because of this.

However, then there are the Cave Yogis in the Himalayas who survive and meditate in caves.

So, there appears to be a way almost anywhere on earth to find pure Being and enlightenment if one searches for that place.

By God's Grace

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