Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Is Physical Bilocation possible for a human being?

 Yes. This appears to be true for exceptional human beings. I have never done this that I know of in this lifetime. I have only Soul Bilocated. Soul Bilocation means your body stays one place while your soul goes somewhere else while also occupying your body at the same time. This is what Soul Bilocation is.

However, my cousin and Uncle (the uncle has since passed away) went to India in the 1960s to visit Sathya Sai Baba who was a miracle Guru well known in India for his miracles and precipitations.

The story they told me (because they were there when this happened) was that someone had donated a lot of money to Sai Baba's Hospital and Sai Baba wanted to do something for the man. So, he asked the man what he could do for him. The man said something like: "There are yellow diamonds in Tiffany's in New York that my wife likes. If you could get something like that for me that would be amazing!"

Soon, Sai Baba had the yellow diamonds in his hands behind his back and held them out to the gentleman donor from New York City. (It's so far back I'm trying to remember whether it was a yellow diamond necklace or a yellow diamond ring setting but likely it was a yellow diamond necklace.

The man was really surprised and said: "This looks like the exact yellow diamond necklace my wife fell in love with at Tiffany's in New York City."

Later the man went to Tiffany's and asked about the necklace when he returned home to the U.S. and the people there said" YES. a man with Orange robes like people sometimes wear in Asia who had a big Afro hairdo came in and asked to buy that necklace. Then he paid us $25,000 cash for this and walked out the door.

This is the best evidence I have for physical bilocation. So, Sathya Sai Baba must have created a 2nd body (not just soul traveling here) and then manifested it outside of Tiffany's in New York City then walked into the jewelry store with $25,000 cash or more then bought for cash the yellow diamonds and then somehow brought them back to his other body without freaking people out or making them faint as to how he had done this. 

By the way Tibetan Lamas who can do things don't want people to pass out either. It is a mark of a great Guru or Teacher not to have students have psychotic breaks when they see someone flying or precipitating or things like this that Jesus did too.

By God's Grace

So, compared to someone as Advanced in all this as Sathya Sai Baba was when he was alive most people (maybe 99% of all people on earth) are sort of like ignorant children).

And I was taught to be a parent to all beings too. I was taught to be father or grandfather to all beings. 

Being a Grandfather to all beings now is much easier now that I'm already 76 years old.

By God's Grace

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