Tuesday, August 6, 2024

This is a very powerful transition day here on earth

I'm probably not saying anything you don't already know if you have been watching the news lately.

Possible nuclear war between Israel and Iran backed by Hezbollah and Houthis.

Incredible flooding in Savannah and that area from Hurricane Debby

And the collapse of the world stock market yesterday then rallying today with upwards of 300 points up from yesterday's low. 

And Hurricane Debby is still trashing the whole East coast as it moves very slowly northward into more populated areas.

However, I wrote something that Angels and God responded to which was "I don't remember manifesting a physical body through bi-location."

The response to this was something like: "Anyone who has manifested a physical body that lives here in the U.S. or Europe has been usually made to forget this simply because one's aura becomes so overwhelming with the memory of this that the average American or European could not handle it without fainting."

I got to think about this if this was true of myself. 

For example, I'm about 6 feet 5 inches which to some people is being a giant. So, even though I'm mostly a very mellow giant having an aura like that could make people faint if this were true. As it is I try to reassure people because I'm 6 foot 5 and look sort of like a retired American Football player so they won't pee there pants when I walk by. For example, I wear size 17 Crocs mostly even though my shoe size is around a 15 D. But, Crocs don't have different widths so I find a size 17 Croc (the biggest they make works best so the width isn't too tight.

So, imagine all the people in the U.S. who have manifested a 2nd physical body and then people passing out from fear or whatever whenever they pass by?

So, God and Angels basically said most people who have manifested a 2nd physical body are made to forget this because people in the U.S. could not handle the aura of someone like this without passing out, having a heart attack, or a stroke or dying. 

Actually this makes perfect sense to me because I never would have believed some of the things that happened to me in India and Nepal over the 4 months my family and I were there from December of 1985 until April of 1986 if they had happened to me in the U.S.

Only the excuse of "Extreme Culture shock" was I able to rationalize that what was happening to me was normal in any way, shape, or form. Because my experience was exactly like I had gone to another planet with completely different rules than the U.S. and that I was over my head in trying to understand almost anything that was going on there on a daily basis.

By God's Grace

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