Friday, August 16, 2024

News of the Soviet probe discovering the Asteroid belt had once been a planet destroyed by nuclear weapons was suppressed by newspapers in the 1970s

 You had to be alive then to fully understand how this happened. The easiest way to understand this is to think about how UFO STuff has been repressed and how many thousands to millions of people have either been silenced now around the world or killed or imprisoned for speaking the truth especially since the 1930s all over the world.

So, religions were very powerful still in the 1970s when the Soviets sent a probe to the Asteroid belt. They found that a nuclear war had destroyed the planet. However, this news did get into either isvestia or Pravda which were newspapers in Moscow I believe at the time.

However, religions all over the world then repressed this information because it didn't agree (according to them) with their religious teachings. So, it was sort of like Galileo being put in prison for telling the truth once again in regard to the truth about Maldek now the asteroid belt blown up by nuclear weapons being suppressed by religions on earth in the 1970s.

I just wanted you to know that one of the main reasons the Soviet Union Collapsed around 1990 was that the educated people of Russia, The Doctors, scientists, researchers and lawyers and such knew about the fact that Maldek had been blown up by nuclear weapons and this was a primary factor in the collapse of the old Soviet Union then around 1990.

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