Sunday, August 25, 2024

Organic Hash Browned potatoes?

 I was making myself some and realized I should probably share how I do this:

First you need to buy organic potatoes of the kind you like to eat. My wife usually buys Organic Russet potatoes at some place like Whole Foods. 

Then you grate these organic potatoes and put them in a frying pan with butter on the surface of the pan. The reason I use butter instead of a subsitute is that my father trained me not to use the majority of margarines because what's in them usually isn't good for you. So, even if you are cooking with butter it's healthier than cooking with most margarines.

The whole purpose of this exercise has to do with it's almost impossible to find grated Organic potatoes and Potatoes, Apples and carrots should never been eaten by people if they have been sprayed with insecticides or herbicides. Why?

Because potatoes, apples and carrots all take pesticides and hericides into the flesh so there is no way not to get pesticided from eating non-organic Potatoes, apples or carrots. (there maybe other things that take the poisons into their flesh too like these three by the way too.

So, this is what I do. Sometimes I microwave a russet potato for 6 minutes or whatever works on your microwave or if you are a purest you can bake your organic potatoes in the oven like my friends often do.

I put the burner (gas or electric) (I have gas at our SF Bay house and electric at our Santa barbara house and I am having trouble getting used to electric burners by the way. I put the burner on medium usually and this works on our gas stove but I haven't figure out how to cook on electric without burning my food so far at least so I have to be very careful.

What I do is to cook the hand grated by me organic potatoes for 5 minutes on a side making sure there is enough butter not to burn the pan or the potatoes (I like them crispy but not burnt). I usually do three 5 minutes of cooking before  side flipping them with a spatula after each 5 minute period until they look crispy and done enough for me.

However, my wife prefers taking raw potatoes and dicing them instead and then adding garlic and onions to them. But, since I was trained as a child to not eat garlic or onions in the religion I was raised in I'm still mostly conditioned not to do this still. 

So, on my hash browns I like Tomato Ketchup myself and I draw a circle around the hash browned potatoes with the Ketchup before eating.

Since I don't usually have the patience to be a serious cook I usually don't microwave my potatoes and this is okay if you are using my 5 minute on a side flip then 5 minute on a side then flip then 5 minutes on a side. Most of the time the potatoes are ready after 15 minutes of this checking and flipping. But, everyone likely likes their potatoes different so see what you like to do with them.

Bon Appetit


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