Sunday, August 25, 2024

Good writers often believe what they write: Why?

If what you write is a part of your belief system you tend to be more efficient and useful to other people when they read what you have written. It's about continuity and commitment likely more than anything else. You are sharing your world view often as you write if you feel safe enough to do that where you live on earth.

It is such a luxury to live in the U.S. where people are free to think whatever they want to think more than other places on earth. So, sharing your view of reality in this sense is both a right and a privilege that many or most people on earth simply don't have for one reason or another.

I am NOT trying to start a religion here but more I'm trying to share my scientific Research regarding what soul travel actually is here. People may believe me or not and that is their right and privilege to do that just like it is my right and privilege to share my lifetime of experiences with you here at this blog.

I never published anything anywhere until I was 50 years old and in Stanford Hospital next to the University waiting for an angiogram and electrical heart stimulation when I had what was yet undiagnosed Heart virus which wasn't diagnosed until May after my first symptoms in Fall the year before. As I sat waiting on a gurney to be operated on I looked around me at the people waiting for open heart surgery and they looked pretty scared to me. Though I was scared somehow I felt I was going to survive all this and I did. The angels usually tell me what is going on enough so I don't just freak out and die. HOWEVER,

After they finished the angiogram which wasn't really that bad the next step was awful which was electrical heart stimulation. They had medicated me and I asked the nurse not to give me anything else because I was just so high I couldn't deal with it. She said, "We have to give you more so your body doesn't jump off the gurney when we shock your heart!" So, she knocked me out of the park and I was completely gone and close to being in a coma at that point. Now that was really scary at the time for me because of the look on her face as she knocked me out was sort of sick like in a movie or something. 

But, I promised God I would write if I survived all this and I did start my first blog 6 or 8 months later at because I realized how sad it would be if I never shared my experiences and thoughts and writing experiences about my relationship with God before I died.

However, this is now about 25 years ago so God and the angels have done a good job at keeping me alive so I can write more for you and hopefully that will help you in your lives too.

By God's Grace

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