Sunday, August 25, 2024

You cannot think without soul traveling

This is what most people don't realize. They think that whatever they think in their bodies stays in their bodies but this isn't what really happens if you really understand soul travel like I do. In reality we are actually everywhere in space and time all the time. the beings who created galaxies would likely understand this much better than humans who often anchor themselves to a prison like environment that they believe ONLY contains their physical body and brain. 

However, for someone like me i wouldn't want to be alive like this.

Instead what I have discovered in my exploration of soul travel with the angels is that time and space are not really ultimately real. What is real is that we are everywhere we think we are. It's true if you stub your toe you are going to feel pain. But it is equally true that you are everywhere you think or feel you are too.

So, what I'm saying here is that you have to be just as careful what you think about as you do in what you are physically doing in your life as well. You are a physical being in that your body is like a car you drive around inside of. However, you are also a spiritual and mental and emotional being too and this is equally real. And without understanding both things well people are often in danger in ways they don't often understand and this can lead to mental or physical illnesses and even death.

So, you need to protect yourself by what you think and you also need to protect yourself from physical injuries too otherwise people's lives or children's live can be very short indeed.

Understanding this one can be both physically and mentally and emotionally and spiritually happy all or most of the time. 

By God's Grace

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