Saturday, August 24, 2024

Since the Ancient Greeks were not educated like we are scientifically today:

When some of them soul traveled to the core of the Galaxy and met the Creator species and the present Galactic Sentience who has been one since around 65 million years ago they likely named this being Zeus. Then when the Nordics of Scandinavia soul traveled there more recently they renamed the head God Odin and his son Thor and the rest. But, basically the pantheon was the same except for the name changes.

Then when I went as a college student around 1970 I was looking for God and found instead the Galactic Sentience who told me he didn't want to be thought of as a God but people on many planets considered him one (likely including Ancient Greeks and historical Scandinavian people) here on earth.

They were not wrong in calling them Gods because they were not educated into science in college like we are often today. So, when I met the present Galactic Sentience (which is my name for the present leader of the galaxy instead of calling him a god). 

He doesn't want me or you to think of him as a god or a GOD because he doesn't see this as being useful to him or to us long term or short term.

However, many people likely will still think of him and his father as Gods in this sense too here on earth. It's just those of us with a more technical or scientific research kind of minds will want to honor his wishes not to be seen as a god or a God.

So, Calling him the Galactic Sentience was an effort at not calling him a God or a god and instead make you realize that he can experience all life on all the planets in real time 24 hours a day. On one level any being that can do this I can see why people might call someone like this a God or a god.

However, knowing likely you and I are a part of this Creator species also makes us "The Sons and Daughters of God" and also the grandchildren of Gods too."

So, when Jesus Said: "YE are Gods!" he knew what he was talking about.

Also, Buddha soul traveled to planets with billions of people on them so this is why I became more interested in Buddhism after understanding that Buddha was a soul traveler. However, Jesus was a Soul Traveler too and the Eloi or Elohim are likely the Builders of this Galaxy too.

By God's Grace

"Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani"is what Jesus actually said in Aramaic on the cross,  which is usually mis translated because it got run throuh too many languages on it's way to English for the King James Bible.

What it really means if you take it from Aramaic to English is literally: "My Gods! My Gods! How you have glorified me!"

I wonder how many other things in our Bibles are mistranslated by running them from Aramaic to Greek or Latin or some other languages before English? 

I personally think that unless you translated the Bible directly from the early manuscripts directly from Aramaic to English you aren't really going to get what was being said.

Another problem is that what words meant then might have somewhat different meanings now. I'm almost 50 years older than my youngest daughter. So, the meanings of words I have noticed are somewhat or markedly different than what they meant when I was 20 or 30 years old even now. I'm presently 76 and my youngest daughter is almost 30 now.

So, I'm not sure you can have a perfect translation of what was actually meant if it was written a few thousand years ago.

You might get the general idea of physical things happening but you likely couldn't get what people culturally were experiencing exactly because of the different era we are in now from 2000 to 3000 years ago.

For example, you likely would agree with me that most people were not educated at all and could not read or write any language in the middle east at the time of Christ's birth or as he was growing up. The fact that he was educated likely made him very different than the average person then in many ways. You kind of get he was educated because he was able to debate with the Priests by AGE 12 regarding scriptures and what they actually meant.

However, I have actually meant hundreds of people who had never been educated in school a single day of their lives in India in the mid 1980s for 2 months while I was in India with my family. And a person who has no formal knowledge and cannot read is very different than likely you imagine.

To some degree they live in a sort of world of "Magical Thinking" and this can work for them but in a different way than you or I are used to here in the U.S.

So, what I'm saying here is most people educated in the western world have no real idea what people were really like around the time of Christ and how uneducated and full of "Magical thinking" that the average person was living then when most people didn't survive until even 30 years of age at that time.

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