Saturday, August 24, 2024

Would I recommend people who can soul travel to go and meet the Galactic Sentience? Probably not. Why?

 First of all, if you want to survive this journey it is a little like surfing a 75 foot wave on a surfboard.

Unless everything is perfect you aren't going to survive doing this. 

But, for most people going to visit the Galactic Sentience would be like surfing a 75 foot wave that crashed into a cliff somewhere. (Waves like this exist by the way in real life).

So, imagine you wanted to go visit the President of the United States and you were in Santa Barbara. You would first have to hitch hike or ride a bus or a car or a train or a plane or walk there or bicycle there.

Then you would walk up to the White House and tell the guards there that you want to see the president. They would ask you if you had an appointment and you likely would say "No." Then they would tell you to leave. 

Or imagine you were Columbus looking for India (you notice I said he was looking for India) when he found the Islands in the Caribbean instead and then the continents of North and South America which were just one continent then because the Panama Canal hadn't been built yet.

In some ways it is also sort of like this where the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria almost all were lost for various reasons and the ships crews tried to mutiny because they didn't want to die.

When I went to the Galactic Core I was a naive young man at age 22 and believed I could to anything in some ways. 

However, if I am honest with myself the main reason I succeeded likely was people on earth were praying like I was for their lives that a nuclear war that would destroy the planet wouldn't happen every day then in 1970 and before.

So, I believe at present that I rode the prayers of all mankind that there wouldn't be a nuclear war and when I arrived to meet the Galactic Sentience since the soul I am an incarnation of is a member of the Royal Family of this Galaxy I was allowed to see him (likely the ONLY reason in many respects).

So, it is possible I was the right person at the right time in the right place to prevent our world from staying nuked like Maldek Was. Even though Maldek is presently an Asteroid belt and our planet on the first timeline from September 11th 2001 had no real civilzations left until around 6000 AD on the first timeline.

So, people praying here on earth and elsewhere that the earth wouldn't nuke out like Maldek Did with our ancestors succeeded here on earth with the 2nd timeline when I succeeded in asking the help of the Galactic Sentience because my Creator soul is a relative of his. So, he said yes that the nuking would not happen.

However, even I didn't know how this would be accomplished because I wasn't familiar with how time lines work and how he was going to create through me and others a 2nd timeline where the whole world didn't nuke out and all civilization end (at least on the 2nd timeline) that we were going to create between 1970 and 2001 which we did.

But, I didn't know about any of this when I actually spoke with him and asked him to prevent the nuking out of Earth.

By God's Grace

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