Sunday, August 4, 2024

What did Soul Travel Actually teach me starting around age 20 or so? That we all have immortal souls

Theoretically believing we have souls and actually experiencing what a soul is is a profound difference in understanding. Believing we have immortal souls is like a child wanting to believe this is true.

Actually scientifically experiencing what a soul is like I have through soul travel is a completely different and incredibly profound and life changing experience.

It gave me the courage to soul travel to visit the Galactic Sentience in the Center of the Galaxy. I would never have even tried to do this likely if I didn't know for sure by then that my immortal soul existed or that all people's immortal souls existed too.

So, what did scientifically finding out we all have immortal souls do?

It gave me the courage to travel to the leader of the Galaxy (who I thought was God) and who many people on planets throughout the galaxy worship as God but who told me personally that he doesn't see himself that way but as only the leader of the Galaxy or maybe even as the present owner of the Galaxy and the one who is responsible for all beings including all his Creator Relatives who live inside this galaxy. This is likely the best way to say this. He considers it an honor to take care of all life in this Galaxy which is both his birthright and his responsibility that he is honored to fulfill.

And when I asked the present Galactic Sentience if he could prevent Global Thermonuclear holocaust on earth he said "Yes!".

However, I was still a young man of 20 or 21 and didn't understand how this would be accomplished which for him was easy but impossible for me to likely understand at that age.

His method is just how the galaxy tends to do things. He had waited for me to come and ask this of him because he missed his relative. HE called me his Grandfather which I have since found out is an honorary term for someone very old and wise in the Creator Species culture. The CReator Species creates all galaxies and no galaxy would exist in space without them. So, they predate all galaxies as a species and potentially can live billions and billions of years (each one of them).

So, I couldn't have been able to accomplish all the things I was able to do in my present lifetime without knowing for sure scientifically that we ALL have immortal souls.

IT's just that some of us know this for sure and others aren't sure about anything it seems even regarding whether they actually exist or not.

Is it good or bad for a soul not to know?

It appears to be a part of the growing process of all souls when I seriously look at this.

IT's sort of like the difference between a baby and an adult. There is quite a difference between beings.

So, those of us who are adults need to look after and help all the beings who don't know who they are yet in the sandbox of life.

By God's Grace

Choosing to live at all in any form, soul or otherwise is a choice that one makes each moment we are alive.

By God's Grace

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