Sunday, August 4, 2024

Why did Jonathan Flow need Galactic Bodyguards?

It's just the normal protection given to Time Lords and Galactic Scribes throughout the Galaxy. If the Galaxy wants some information out there, there are always others who don't want that information out there for whatever the reason. So, time travelers usually connected with the Galactic Time Guard go from the birth of the Scribe to past the end of the Scribes life or beyond that to protect both the scribe and the teachings of the Galaxy through the Scribe. It's just standard Galactic Policy to do this.

And Purple Delta 7 who also studied with Saint Germain (also known as Arcane) is one of those Time Bodyguards assigned to Jonathan Flow after the 2nd timeline came into being the 2nd time September 11th 2001 occurred. Jonathan Flow was first recruited to help create a 2nd timeline in 1969.

Why was Jonathan Flow recruited to help create a 2nd timeline?

Because as a relative of the Galactic Sentience he was what is sometimes called Soul Royalty or a part of the Royal Family here in this Galaxy that built the Galaxy in the first place. So, since Jonathan Flow is a relative of the present Galactic Sentience his wishes for a 2nd timeline (even though this is not how he understood this at the time) was made manifest when he spoke with the Galactic Sentience about preventing nuclear holocaust on Earth around 1970. When he asked for the nuclear holocaust to be prevented, the Galactic Sentience agreed with him and set him on a course of meeting with Ragna and Elohar of the 1st timeline to create the 2nd timeline where civilization didn't end like it did on the first timeline. Elohar and Ragna are from 7028 AD on the first timeline when they began creating the 2nd timeline by the way.

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