Tuesday, August 20, 2024


There is a way I tend to prepare for writing something which is to orient myself into a certain way of looking at things. I suppose how I approach soul travel is something like this too. However, it is also possible to not only travel through space soul traveling but also to travel through time as well. However, this time travel soul traveling is really really tricky simply because often there are many time lines and you don't want to find yourself on the wrong one because many of them are mostly similar except for a few variables that you might be able to figure out or not.

So, writing from this perspective can be tricky in many ways. So, you mostly want to be traveling "wherever you are going to be going" with Angels because they will help you ferret out where it is most useful to go for everyone concerned.

I try to always be sharing things that are the most useful for people to know not only now but also in the past, present or future or wherever else what I write is read. 

If you have lived a long time like I have now at 76 you know that people's basic perceptions have changed a lot from say the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Each decade has it's own ideas and good and bad points from whatever perspective you are coming from.

So, I try to write what will be the most helpful no matter what era people live in who read what I write, past, present or future.

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