Wednesday, September 11, 2024

All the Incarnations of The Creator of the Galaxy as well as the Present Galactic Sentience are trying to help Adam not become Tech Noir on this time line

On the first timeline, when The Creator of the Galaxy began to fragment this also caused Adam to fragment too on that timeline into someone who is suicidal-homicidal at core. Of course he could act like an actor and take on any role too but this did not stop Adam from being suicidal and homicidal (both of which often manifest together in humans too if you have studied basic Psychology. as a young man I studied for several years to become a psychologist so I learned about these kinds of things and even was trained at my college in Suicide prevention (which I found was very effective for me personally in ending my fixation on checking out myself in my early 20s. However, the real thing that allowed me to give up this way of thinking which I would say was in my case a narcissistic young man wanting out from all the suffering of life was getting married and having a son in 1974. This more than anything else completely changed me and forced me to grow up.

So, I can relate to narcissistic ways of thinking as a young man because I dealt with these things some myself. When I could think of the needs of others I was okay. I also traced my lineage back to 1580 in Switzerland on my father's side and learned that all my ancestors usually had their own business or businesses and they all had around 5 to 10 kids each all the way back to 1580 in Switzerland even though several brothers came to the U.S. via England in 1725 to Philadelphia.

So, I can relate to how the Creators are trying to save Adam from becoming Tech Noir. Growing up is hard and difficult for everyone and some of us survive to age 30 and others of us do not. I lost many friends and acquaintances along the way who didn't make it. But, getting married and having my first child saved me.

This might not work for everyone but it worked for me given my genetic background going back to 1580 I was suited to be a father and a business owner of one or more businesses.

But, I look at people (both male and female) between 18 and 25 and I am so glad I don't have to go through all that again to be able to get to being married and delivering our first child then in 1974 when I was 26. My son is now 50 years old and I'm 76.

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