Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Writing: when I first realized that I could channel

 This would have been likely late 1969 or early 1970. I had left my childhood religion and had broken up before that with a lady I had intended to marry. However, she decided she could marry me and be celibate but this wasn't going to work for me because I wanted to have children. So, we broke up because not having children was a deal breaker for me.

So, I was despondent at the kinds of decisions life was having me make which threw a monkey wrench into my plans for adulthood. So, without being married with a family none of my plans made any sense to me at all.

I was despondent to the point of suicide at this point and this is where I began to channel. But, what was surprising to me was the first being to come through was my uncle who supposedly (died?) in 1942. He was involved in the secret testing of planes to take off and land from an aircraft carrier then so all that remained so secret it likely made finding out about what really happened to him very difficult or impossible. He was a pilot and maybe one of the best pilots of his time.

His name was or is "Tommy" and his loss devastated his whole family because he was the "Nicest person in the family" and everyone could get along with him. Also, he was incredibly handsome and could have gone into the Olympics as a gymnast and likely would have if he hadn't decided to go with my father and his first wife when they chartered a Yacht to sail all the way to Tahiti in 1939. They were 40 days at sea without land then in 1939 from Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California until they reached Tahiti by the way using a Sextant for navigation.

So, when he began to channel through me by my writing down what he said he was trying to encourage me to stay alive and not give up. He mentioned many things and he showed me many things that helped me stay alive. 

Years later after I married and had a child and then became a single Father and then remarried I was working one day and he came to me in 1985 and walked through the room. I was amazed and I said, "Uncle Tommy" I haven't seen you in years why are you here now?"

Then I realized he was coming for my father who was dying then in the desert in Southern California. (my father was his brother and they were very close and even went to Tahiti for 2 years together with my father's first wife on a yacht).

So, I called my father to tell him that his brother Tommy was coming for him to take him to heaven.

My father said, "I don't feel very well Freddie. Let's talk later." So, I hung up the phone after telling my father his brother was coming for him to take him to heaven. A few hours later my mother called me while crying to tell me that my father was gone.

I took comfort in Tommy making the effort to tell me he was coming to take my Dad to heaven ever since and this was August of 1985.

By God's Grace

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