Wednesday, September 11, 2024

There is the truth and then there is Trust

Is the Truth easier to come by than Trust? 

I have found that both truth and trust are actually different than I believed they were as a child. In the 1950s there was a saying: "children should be seen and not heard" and how this manifested mostly was that if you were not performing for your parents friends and guests then you were supposed to go into the other room and "Shut UP". There wasn't a reason really to completely trust adults who treated children like this and all children basically knew this (if they were serious minded at all). Of course some children were just driven mad to the point where they would jump out of trees and break an arm or leg or off a cliff and die by this kind of treatment or they committed suicide between ages 12 and 30 by various means.

So, not surviving to 30 was a much bigger problem before about I would say 1970 than now. And many more people were driven mad by our culture in the U.S. and Europe then too.

Since around the 1970s Trust has gone away of one citizen to another mostly because of illegal drugs and Alcohol. When people took things like LSD and hitchiked in the late 1960s and early 1970s people stopped picking up hitch hikers because it was too dangerous because many people are so crazy on some drugs you cannot have them in the car or truck with you at all.

So, trust between the American people sort of left pretty much starting in the late 1960s and early 1970s and it has never really returned.

For example, anyone in the 1950s was allowed to discipline children. The problem with this was so many men had PTSD from World War II that this wasn't practical and you could easily be killed by some PTSD nut job who was dangerous to children in one way or another. 

So, starting in the 1950s and 1960s parents said, "You people almost killed our child you may NOT discipline our children or we will kill you. And some people did this which wasn't good. 

In the process trust in our culture changed a lot in regard to white people with white people but also any group with any group anywhere.

So, here we are today with a complete lack of trust of neighbors and in some ways a complete lack of truth between neighbors too. And now people don't even listen to the same news broadcasts which can be only propaganda and mostly lies on almost any TV Station you listen to. So, it's more like a corporate version of the news paid for by the biggest corporations on earth. But, that isn't the news that is just corporate propaganda.

And it didn't use to be this way and people trusted each other much more in the 1950s and before.

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