Saturday, September 14, 2024

By expressing what you think and feel about yourself and life around you it can allow you to stop being afraid

Sometimes, when the world seems just too much to deal with anymore I find myself awake at night and then I write and I begin to heal myself and the world around me. A lot of what people deal with (including myself) is the unknown. If you are haunted by the unknown in your life it can end your life quite quickly.

However, if you can be in every moment often you can meet the challenges of your life and continue to stay alive. Being in the moment I have found personally is the key to my survival. a friend of mine made up a cartoon that says basically "IF at first you don't succeed you shouldn't try sky diving." which made me laugh a lot because he was an Army Ranger and had to jump out of planes with a parachute or paraglider to actually become an army ranger when he was younger. It has a picture of someone hanging under a parachute saying captioned "This was a really big mistake!"

And I know of many people injured on their first jump especially paratroopers who landed wrong and broke legs or ankles and were never the same. So, there is a lot of truth to people not trying sky diving unless they are amazing athletes with perfect timing when they land.

But, I think that being in the moment (every moment) gives a person the best chance of physical survival because by doing that you don't miss so much that you forget to look for that bus coming down the street when you step out into it.

I have had my father when I was young grab my shirt and then a bus almost mow me down inches away from me. And then he would say to me: "A miss is as good as a mile!"

This was one of the mottos of his family who were all physical risk takers of one kind or another and very out of doorsy like me too.

Expressing yourself (even late at night) can be a life saver for you in your life (and it can save other lives too along the way).

By God's Grace

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