Saturday, September 14, 2024

Links to "the Alien war" at following link in this article:

 I came up here to see my son who is dealing with a likely long term health problem and likely I need to stop writing for awhile about Adam and Arcane and Purple and Green and the rest. So, I think I will leave it at where Adam is right now at the end of Chapter 8. However, I reserve the right to continue writing about them at any point where it seems important to do this.

Also, if you haven't read Chapters 1 through 27 of the Alien War they will show you how we got to "A Journey through time" with Adam and Green and Purple and the rest.

I began writing "The Alien War" I think around 2020 o1 2021 and all the chapters links except for Chapter 28 are there if you wanted to read this. and Chapter 28 is only about what I wrote about Ganymede regarding Arcane and his wife preparing to go there to visit Moksha and getting a tour of the place. 

If you scroll down through the following like you will see something in orange from "The Spiritual Path" which is another blog I sometimes write at. chapters 1 through 27 will be contained in the following link in 27 links here at this next link.

This all seems to be morphing into something I mig...

In other words you can call "The Alien War" a prequel to "A Journey through time" with Adam and Arcane and the rest.

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