Saturday, September 14, 2024

Learning about the "Fake" Alien War here on earth

Much of the warfare on earth right now is specifically designed to prevent human extinction at this time.

It is well known by the Galaxy that Civil War in the U.S. brings human extinction this century to all humans on earth.

It's sort of "For the want of a nail the shoe was lost. For the want of a shoe the horse was lost, for the want of a horse the rider was lost, for the want of a rider the nation was lost (and the world).

So, writing about "The Alien War" I'm trying to bring real context into what is really happening on earth beyond what you read about in the newspaper or hear anywhere on the internet. By understanding that the U.S. Government as it has been since 1776 is the linchpin to human survival on earth in this technological age you begin to see how important it is for our Democracy in a Republic to stay like it is and has been since 1776.

So, the basic thing that is important in reading about "The Alien War" is that another Trump presidency likely will cause everyone to die on earth this century. It might be important to understand that there are fundamentalists of many religions who want everyone to die on earth. So, it is important to consider this too if you want your children and grandchildren to still be alive here on earth in the coming centuries.

By God's Grace

The problem isn't just Trump either. The problem is people only caring about their personal survival and not caring about the rest of the human race surviving too.

If we all don't survive then none of us survive. It's true we will be thinned out by Global Warming though and I also foresee us as about 7 billion less people on earth by 2100 mostly caused by Global Climate changes. This likely will happen too.

However, all this can be seen as an "ACT OF GOD" rather than blaming anyone in specific because it is happening. This thinning out of the human race likely will allow the ecology of earth to come back in a slightly different form than now over the next several hundred years too. So, there is hope for human survival here on earth but it will be very different than now.

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