Monday, September 16, 2024

For the Paradigm Shift of the Secret Service they would have to be aware that Trump is being stalked internationally

This last guy was a Ukraine Zealot who it appears actually fought in Ukraine against the Russians even though I believe he is an American. But, who hired him? Iran? a Private Contractor? Putin? It is unknown but this last guy is definitely an International dude who is also an American. He is the right profile to be an International Mercenary and might work for almost anyone who wants Trump gone worldwide. This is why the Secret Service has to have a new paradigm because many many people worldwide who have the money want Trump Dead. For the Secret Service It's going to be a really hard job to keep Trump and their agents alive at least until the election. If he loses he might stay alive but if Trump wins it is unlikely I would say as an Intuitive that he makes it to be sworn in as President. These are really crazy times for the whole world at this point! 

And the big problem for everyone on earth is that if a contractor Assassin from anywhere on earth (including Russia) succeeds that we easily could fall into a civil War if Trump is actually killed by ANY assassin!

The only thing actually worse than Trump being assassinated would be if he served as president because that would mean human extinction this century by what he would do (what he already said he's going to do).

I am a life long precognitive intuitive and I'm usually right about these things. I write about this to hopefully help create a better outcome than the one presently coming.

If you out there know what is presently coming then you can help change the future to something better.

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