Saturday, September 7, 2024

It has been amazing to be here in Shasta Again!

 The weather thought hot at times (93 degrees up until today) when it was around 86 I think and somewhat overcast was been fairly nice and everything is very green here and the fires north of us in Oregon haven't made the air so unclear that you cannot easily see Mt. Shasta. I went to Castle Lake yesterday and walked out as far as I could up to about my midsection but because it was overcast I decided not to swim because it likely would be too cold getting out. My friend decided to snorkel but even he said he wanted to get into the car quickly when he got out of the water. I think there were only about 3 people in the water with their bodies fully in at that time of day as it was later in the afternoon and overcast and most boats or paddleboards had already come ashore by this time.

Today we drove up to the Old Ski Bowl in the late afternoon that existed until 1978 during an avalanche at the end of Everitt Memorial highway and this is next to upper panther meadows where there is a spring and the Squaw Meadows trail goes up over the saddle towards the South East I believe too there. We walked up a little on the Mountain there but at 8000 feet the sun is pretty fierce so we stood under the shade of a pine or fir tree that was thick from the rains this year. We also met someone from the San Francisco Bay area and that was nice too as we talked for about 1/2 hour or an hour up there too.

It was amazing to be up on Mt. Shasta like this because they usually close this road because of the snow by November 1st at Bunny Flat. From Bunny Flat there is also a trail to Horse Camp lodge which is a Sierra Club Emergency lodge for climbers that has been there at least since i was 5 years old but likely is from the 1920s or 1930s if I remember correctly.

It was 1922 actually here it is:

begine quote:

The Avalanche Gulch/John Muir route begins at Bunny Flat trailhead following a shaded Shasta Red Fir lined hike that leads to the Sierra Club Hut (Horse Camp) just below tree line at 7,900 feet. Horse Camp offers access to fresh spring water, use of composting toilets, a small stone cabin built in 1922 and camping.

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