Friday, September 20, 2024

My son was complaining about how failing the health care system was in 2010 while getting his Bachelor's of Science in Nursing

He said the main problem then was that there were not going to be enough nurses or doctors even then in 2010 when he graduated with Honors from Nursing school. He said that health care was just going to get worse and worse then because of not having enough nurses and doctors replacing those who retire.

I asked him what the problem was: "His first answer was liability for nurses and doctors. Unless the doctors and nurses are covered by the hospitals insurance company some doctors are paying 200,000 dollars a year for liability insurance. And who pays for that? You do whenever you go to a hospital.

And because of this liability when people start training for becoming doctors and nurses often they go into specialties and not general medicine because then they can pay the 200,000 dollars a year for liability insurance and still make a good living even at that.

Of course there are many other reasons which suggest in many ways that socialized medicine is in some ways better in places like Canada and Europe and South Korea for example where socialized medicine actually works. However, often the problem with socialized medicine is that by the time you are allowed the procedure you need you might be dead. This is true everywhere on earth regarding socialized medicine.

So, at least if you can afford good medicine here in the U.S. (which is expensive) you can stay alive.

For example, even me on Medicare in 2020 I had to wait 8 months taking entresto (which is a miracle drug) before they would let me have a pacemaker and they chose to give me a defibrillator pacemaker which will automatically restart your heart if it stops because it doesn't take much electricity if the pacemaker is connected directly to your heart like the paddles often need amazing amounts of electricity because they have to go through the flesh and bone of your chest Cavity to even get to your heart at all.

But, I almost was dying BEFORE they let me have a pacemaker on Medicare because of their entresto procedure of around 8 months wait. 

Then I found it a problem because Covid was happening so I was scared of dying of Covid because I was 72 then in 2020 in a hospital over 24 hours. However, most of the time I wore a mask as a precaution even though I had a private room.

So, even with Medicare things might not be perfect while you are trying to stay alive here in the U.S.

And now, all the deaths of Doctors and Nurses around the world from Covid makes people think twice about becoming doctors and nurses too if they don't want to die of Covid or other diseases from their work in a hospital or doctor's office nationwide and worldwide.

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