Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Three ways I understand reality (there likely are more ways than this but this logically is easier for me to quantify)

First Didactic Materialism:

Which is often what you get in college which is "There is no God. You are all electronic signals and chemicals and when you fall in love it is just a chemical reaction nothing more. 

This particular point of view if I shared it I might have to take my own life because of the inherent uselessness and pointlessness and meaninglessness of life given this point of view.

2nd: How Tibetan Buddhists view reality which is that Dreams and reality are equally real.

3rd. Australian Aborigines: They view that reality is a dream and what you dream is the reality.

Of course it might be useful for many of you to add other points of view to this. However, these three actually make the most sense to me over any other versions of reality.

Then my experience as an intuitive is that every thing is alive: Trees and people and animals are all alive and most of you agree with this premise. 

However, my experience is also that the oceans are alive and mountains are alive and the earth is alive and the atmosphere is alive and stars in the sky are alive and galaxies are alive too.

And I suppose there are more Christian points of view too. The problem with giving you more Christian points of view is that often they all are at odds with one another.

For example, If you are a Catholic anyone who isn't a Catholic is supposed to go to hell.

But, if you are one of an infinite amount of Protestants any one in another faction than they one you are in (Including Catholics) are all supposed to got to hell too.

Because of how confusing this is for ANYONE to deal with who is any kind of Christian I decided to leave well enough alone and take a safer path instead of what I have shared with  all of you.

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