Thursday, September 19, 2024

Charlie Thom called me "Star Man" when he was alive

He was a Karuk Medicine man and Christian minister too. He started calling me "Star man" and I didn't think much of it at the time. Maybe more of some kind of endearment. But, I was thinking today how tribal people get there names and it is not a formal thing but more of how people see you. I might have told him my story of soul traveling to the core of the galaxy and meeting the leader of the galaxy there when I was about 22. So, maybe this is why he called me "Star Man".

Even though I studied the medicine path with both him and another medicine man in the 1980s and other medicine people I was still at core a mystical Christian I realize now. It wasn't to start with my culture so it was something I was adding on to my culture and experience. So, what this likely meant from him was that he recognized I had actually been to the stars through soul travel. This would make perfect sense to a Medicine man or Tibetan Lama because of the way they perceive reality too.

So, I realize now he was honoring me by calling me "Star Man".

By God's Grace

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