Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Though all AI is a prediction model you can ask questions in such a way that it also gives you facts:

Like when I ask PI AI the "Historical Facts" about say Jesus or Saint Germain or historical facts about almost anything, this takes the AI out of a prediction model and starts gathering facts. So, the more vague and open ended your questions are to AI the more vague and open ended AIs answers will be.

For example, if you say to an AI: "Draw me a picture." It will draw almost anything and there is no way at all to predict what it might or will draw for you. But, if you say: "Draw me a picture of a mountain" you still might get anything in the picture but you are sure to get a mountain in it too.

Then if you say: "Draw me a picture of a girl and a boy" then you might get a girl and a boy but they might be of any race or literally any age from birth to 21 or more.

So, if you want something specific from AI be sure to ask your questions very detailed and specific or you could get almost anything instead which you may or may not want.

It's just like asking something of a human being in this sense. What kind of morning or day are they having. Did they sleep last night? Did they have food and water to drink? Did someone die that they know and this makes them sad?

You need to think about AI as being as complicated as a human being you might meet anywhere. The AI might be more polite than most people are (or Not) depending upon who designed it, however.


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