Saturday, September 7, 2024

UFO Experiences

 I had read a book that was supposed to be true in the early 1980s called "Communion" and the author released this book that it was real. But, later told people it wasn't real at all. Then I researched him and found out that before he wrote "Communion" he was a horror fiction writer.

However, one good thing came out of all this for me. I had to face the fact that some beings who are UFOs might not be nice which was a good thing for me because I was raised to believe in my childhood religion that they were bringing technology to earth so we could survive better here (which is also true).

So, I had a come to Jesus moment reading Communion thinking it was a true story when it wasn't.

I finally realized this: "I cannot be responsible before God for things I don't fully know about."

What I mean by this is we only know what we know at that time in our lives and even though we might know more later than we did then we still can only be held accountable by God for what we do know at the time of those experiences.

When I realized this I had peace in my relationship  with God.

Everyone and every being has their own motivations for doing things even if they might seem entirely crazy to both you and me. However, we can ONLY do what we know to be true to God in any given moment.

I find Great Peace in the eyes of God in this.

By God's Grace

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