Saturday, September 7, 2024

Writing: This is what works for me when I'm trying to write something longer

First I soul travel to the location or locations that I want to write about in time and space. Then I describe what is there and what is going on there (or what happened before) if I'm writing some kind of sequel or prequel to what I wrote before.

Since most of what I'm writing about appears to be the past, present and future the way I or others I know have experienced it or a combination basically from my point of view I'm not writing fiction I'm writing about my personal past, present and future and other beings that I know incarnating places like Earth and New Deva( future earth 1 million years into the future.

However, what I'm writing about now is sometimes 65 to 67 to 77 million years ago and often in the center of the Galaxy where many or sometimes even most creators live for billions of years often.

However, first you set the stage by presenting where you are in explaining to others (and to yourself) what is actually going on.

It would be much like getting on a jet plane and going to one of the Hawaiian Islands and writing about the whole trip from the time you got on the plane going there. Then say you are going to go snorkeling or surfing or SCUBA diving there or boating or riding a helicopter into the rainforests of one of the islands or whatever you are going to be doing.

So, for me, soul traveling to other times or spaces is something I can do. But, at this point after being given the Gift of Soul Travel by God and Angels (specifically Archangel Gabriel I usually try to already be in all times and spaces with God throughout our galaxy and the physical universe to begin with.


So, if I"m already everywhere and everywhen as a meditation to always be everywhere everywhen with God it is relatively easy for me to write once I describe where I was last (in this case 2 years ago) and then move on with the experiences of those beings I'm writing about.

However, each of us have to develop our own writing style. For example, my wife would be a much better writer than me but isn't because she is a perfectionist. She wouldn't be okay with "Stream of Consciousness" like I write in when Soul Traveling the way I do.

What I do works for me because I am a third generation story teller like my father and grandfather before me. So, what is most important to me is not being perfect in my writing. What is important to me that the story be told in as accurate a way as possible through Stream of Consciousness.

So, in this sense it is a prayer form for me and brings me even closer to God as I write.

By God's Grace





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