Sunday, September 15, 2024

why did "A Journey through time Come About?"

 I'm thinking this was shared through me simply to tell beings in this galaxy that the 1st timeline was eliminated because of Tech Noir and he was eliminated too along with all life and all Creators on that timeline. Of course there are thousands of other reasons why this likely came through me but this is the first one that comes to mind.

Note:  Adam wasn't eliminated ever (as far as we presently know)  just Tech Noir from the 1st timeline.

However, we here on Earth and on New Deva are obviously on the 2nd Galactic timeline now not the first Galactic Timeline because that one no longer exists.

Also, it appears obvious to me that the people who nuked Maldek created a chain reaction from lying to the Creator of the Galaxy and duping him by buttering him up by giving Adam a time traveling Mothership and flying saucers that travel time to boot. So, if we trace the causation of the death of the 1st timeline it begins with the deception of those on Maldek who caused the nuking of Maldek by this treaty which destabilized the Creator of the Galaxy because he was angry at being lied to which destroyed Adam's God (his creator father) through retirement which created Adam being suicidal Homicidal which caused eventually the necessity of destroying the first Galactic Timeline. This is an obvious very unfortunate chain reaction of events that began with the nuking of Maldek our present asteroid belt here in the Solar System.

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