Monday, September 9, 2024

Writing can be very healing and cleansing

 This can be true both for the writer and those who read these writings. In some ways we all face the same human conditions. I tend to look at it in a compassionate way which is that all humans are suffering in similar ways. By seeing things this way we realize that we are not the ONLY ones suffering and that everyone suffers with slightly different things. However, we all face some of the same things.

Everyone gets hungry and needs to find food and water to drink or they are dead soon.

Everyone is eventually likely going to die.

Everyone is likely going to face at the very least colds and flus and hopefully only minor accidents like stubbing their toe or something like this.

Everyone is going to lose friends and relatives to death at inopportune times in their lives.

So, because of all of our mutual suffering often we all are dealing with things others can relate to.

As we write to heal ourselves and to be able to go on with our lives we might also heal others who read what we write.

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