Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How does one become a Crazy Wisdom Emanation?

Usually, you are already that before you are born. However, the motivation of a Crazy Wisdom Emanation is (going to unbelievable lengths to save the souls of those around one).

The perfect illustration would be: "A child runs in front of a car and a Crazy Wisdom Emanation runs to save that child even though there is a greater than a 50-50 chance that that person will die trying to save that child."

This is a perfect example of the motivations of a Crazy Wisdom Emanation.

What does Crazy Wisdom Mean?

It means "The Wisdom Beyond Logic" so you never are going to understand completely a Crazy Wisdom Emanation because they have access to a kind of wisdom most people don't have at present.

For example, "Is Trump a Good Crazy Wisdom Emanation or a Bad Crazy Wisdom Emanation?"

Likely history will judge Trump the best.

One reason he might be considered good in the long run at least:

He will be responsible for 1 billion deaths or of births being prevented before 2100 here on earth and this might prevent human extinction on the 2nd timeline we are on between 2080 and 2090.

Preventing human extinction is a very good thing from my point of view, how about you?

I cannot say that I prevented human extinction before 2100 all by myself the way that Trump could at present.

So, you see just how crazy  Crazy Wisdom emanations can actually be, don't you?

And we haven't even found out yet completely whether Trump is a Good Crazy Wisdom Emanation or a Bad Crazy Wisdom Emanation yet either have we?

So, once again Truth is much much stranger than fiction, especially if you are intuitively gifted like I am.

But, at least maybe you understand a little more about Crazy Wisdom Emanations.

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