Thursday, May 10, 2018

My theory of how Mu Sank

Predating us is Atlantis (Noah's Ark) and predating Atlantis is Lemuria (a civilization in California, Baja California and Oregon where the survivors of MU (where Hawaii is now) sank under the ocean.

My theory is that there was a war between planetary colonies from Earth and what happened was some other planet or colony created the "Ring of Fire" by creating a Concussion that pushed Mu (which was about the size of Australia or bigger but located exactly where the Hawaiian Islands are now).

When this happened (the concussion from space by some method it "Pushed Down the Continent of Mu under the waves but also created the Ring of Fire which is the most active earthquake and volcano place on earth ever since.

This is my theory of what actually happened when Mu Sank. I cannot give you an exact date when this happened except to say that Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis were all Space faring cultures. But, I can say Mu happened after 65 million years ago when the larger dinosaurs died from a piece of Maldek, the planet blown up by a thermonuclear war (now the asteroid belt)  hit the gulf of Mexico which created a nuclear winter for several years so no plants grew much and any dinosaurs that couldn't seek shelter in a cave or underground died of the cold and lack of food. The ones who survived the best went into the oceans and adapted to the oceans.

Note: The Ring of Fire contains 75% of all the world's volcanoes.

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