Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What is your "Truth"?

Here I'd like to say that if you don't believe what you need to believe to stay alive in a human body you won't.

This might be the most important thing I ever say to you.

Because if you don't believe what you need to to stay alive most people don't make it or are really really screwed up walking down the street talking to themselves.

So, figure out what you need to believe to survive here on earth in a physical body, otherwise you won't.

Next after all that run your beliefs through the scientific method whenever possible and sort them all into


This I find very very useful in fact I would say I find this ultimately useful in staying alive and having more facts, USEFUL FACTS in life for survival.

I really seldem throw away anything anyone tells me but instead throw it into potential hypotheses. Then if I can prove the hypothesis at all it moves up one notch to Theories.

Then if I find a Theory to be Absolutely true with no exceptions then if becomes a law that I live by until proven otherwise.

So, I am always testing every thing always. IN this way I can evolve daily and reach new heights of awareness daily and my beliefs change through proof every day sometimes.

In this way I am infinitely adaptable and might live on for 1,000,000 years potentially(at least psycholgoically).

However, there is no useful limit to human life now science has moved so far forward. The only real limitation now is how we all tend to think about things. But there is no physical limitation because of medical science anymore that is absolute.

I expect people this century to see some people live 200 years or more. And they might look 30 years old while they do this all the way to when they pass on.

By God's Grace

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