Friday, May 11, 2018

You know what's wrong with this generation of Young people? They expect life to be fair

I was born in 1948 and I never never never expected life to be fair. What did I expect? Nothing. I hoped I could find a way to survive. I was born white did other races have a tougher time than I did. Yes. They did. So I was glad I wasn't born another race so I didn't have to deal with all that too.

But, did I EVER expect life to be fair? NEVER! Why?

Because I expected as a 4 year old to have to grow up and either die in a nuclear war or as a soldier on a battlefield. That was what people told me my future was and to prepare for that.

Hope wasn't on the horizon unless it was for heaven.

So, why do children now expect fairness in life?

It has never been fair ever here on earth so why is it going to be fair now?

Maybe having Trump as a president who rapes women right and left and has his whole life and then pays them all to shut up demonstrates how life is never going to be fair really ever.

And to believe life is going to be fair to you is a life killing belief.

I'm sorry but that's true.

Life has always been "Dog eat Dog" and if you believe anything else you are just going to be chewed up by life.

Does this sound cynical to you?

This is sound of a man who has been a survivor since 1948 through everything you could imagine that could happen in his life.

Life has never ever been fair but then again God has been very good to me and so I now live in God's Grace and likely always have.

So, even though fairness has never been,  God's Grace has seen me through everything.

Thank you God!

IF you do right by God then God and Angels will do right by you and you will live in God's Grace too.

But, fairness?

Fairness doesn't exist and never will.

But the Grace of God does exist so that should be your goal as it has been mine.

By God's Grace

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