Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mountain lion on Video camera a few houses away

Just found out that a few days ago a security camera on a home (just a few houses away from us) spotted a Mountain lion during the night. Most security video cameras have infrared for night videos and they are motion sensitive. So, they got great images of the mountain lion in the forest right nearby us which is always interesting. There are many many deer nearby so often the mountain lions will come into the forest here and hunt because hunters aren't allowed to hunt in this area because it's just not allowed here along the coast. I live in the SF greater Bay area in Northern California.

I have seen partly eaten deer legs with mountain lion gnawing evidence on them in the forest nearby in the past. They mostly just hunt deer and smaller animals and sometimes dogs as big as German Shepards that people leave in their back yards from 4 to 7 AM or Pm. Mountain lions like to hunt at daybreak and during and just after sunset the best while it is still light. But, if they are still hungry I suppose they might hunt anytime if they are hungry enough.

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