Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Tea Party has lost it's credibility with the American People

The Tea Party, fair or unfair – and, just for the record I personally think it is unfair – has lost its usefulness because national Tea Party groups have lost their credibility with the American public. If you think the Republican Party is suffering from low favorability numbers, just look at the voters’ views of the Tea Party. There are more Republican and Republican-leaning voters who have an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, than there are conservative and Tea Party supporters who have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party.
end partial quote from:

Why Republican Incumbent Senators Dodged The Tea Party Bullet

  Yes. I agree. The Tea party even though Idealistic in an admirable way has demonstrated over 4 years to the American people that when it tries to apply it's idealism to the Government it fails utterly and only destroys our government from working at all to help the people.

So, now the people (the average person not rich people) rightly now suspect the Tea Party was used by the very rich only to gum up the working of government so it couldn't work at all to create an "Oligarchy of the rich" which is what we have seen since about 2008 with Obama fighting this and trying to fight for the common man and being harmed in doing this by the impracticality of the "Tea Party" in dealing with actual problems. Their ideas are good often but their execution only works in a fantasy unfortunately. So, pragmatically, they have lost their time on the American stage in being the dupes and pawns of the extremely rich who don't care about anyone but themselves.

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