Monday, May 2, 2016

Why believing in Time travel now is in your enlightened self interest?

It is in your enlightened self interest because if time travel could be invented anywhere in the known universe it is also here right now with us on earth.

A few years ago MIT had a party and invited Time travelers to visit. The reason they did this was that the above statement is flawless on a purely logical level. Though no one came to claim being a time traveler to this party, this isn't surprising either.

Precisely because anyone who has evidence of time travel at this point in time who is not authorized by the major governments and corporations on earth would simply disappear. This is a given.

So, going to such a party would be likely a death sentence for anyone not wise enough to realize this.

We are at a stage in human history where believing in UFOs and time travel is tolerated since about 1985 to 1995 when the Freedom of information act was still in force and useful to mankind in the U.S. and the world. But, after 9-11 the government started shutting down access to things that were published in books like "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good and "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Corso who was a part of the Eisenhower Adminstration in Defense Intelligence for the U.S. Army and was asked to reverse engineer artifacts from Roswell and other places.

So, though these two books exist only people who have found them and read them tend to understand the truth about what I'm saying here. Because once again the information about all this tends to be repressed by governments lest it fall into the hands of Middle Eastern or other terrorists.

However, to actually have ANY control of your destiny at all, if you don't understand that time travel is being used all the time and that the past, present and future is always changing, then how can you navigate your life without enough information?

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