Thursday, September 8, 2016

Humanity will not go extinct before 2100

As an intuitive I can say this is true. Because I now know some way will be found to keep at least some human beings alive past 2100 Ad.

However, what I cannot tell you is how many will still be alive on earth then.

Will it be 3.5 Billion?

Will it be 100 million?

Or will it be only 1 million people left alive?

People without air conditioning won't be alive anywhere on the equator likely.

And people will be growing food likely in northern Siberia and on Antarctica by then (even though it still might not rain or snow on Antarctica like now even then?

But, humans at least aren't going to go extinct in this century.

Will they go extinct in the next century?

That's up to the next generations to figure  out unless somehow some of us from now are still alive then. Somebody born today would be 84 years old  or so in 2100 for example.

By God's Grace

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