Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Trump is an obvious crook who covers his tracks with money: Hillary is an obvious public servant

Therefore Trump is not a public servant. We hold Public Servants to a higher standard than we do crooks.

This is the twisted psychology of how we treat people here in the U.S.

So, therefore it is possible now for an actual crook to become president. We see him quadrupling the rent on his building when the public is paying the rent for his campaign. We see him paying off politicians interested in investigating his illegal actions like Trump University being investigated for Fraud.

So, Trump acts like a criminal always because he is one.

So, how can an actual criminal win over only a perceived criminal?

Because we are holding Hillary to 100 times the standard that we treat Trump with because everyone knows he is a crook just by the way he talks and he covers his tracks so he cannot easily be investigated by bribing reporters, or politicians to cover his tracks.

So, will Trump, the criminal be voted in as president?

Billionaires can pay people to do all sorts of things that regular people cannot.

So, the answer has to be "Maybe".

So, a couple of months from now our nation might be held hostage by a real criminal "ONLY" in office to line his pockets and the pockets of his children.

God Help US!

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