Monday, February 5, 2018

People are NOT used to point losses of 1000 points or more so this might panic a lot of people

When you have a stock market at 10,000 to 14,000 like we were used to for years you aren't going to see point losses (usually) more than 300 to 500 points. But, when you have stock values at 27,000 or above you basically have twice 14,000 (28,000) so points mean something entirely different.

But, psychologically people tend to still be thinking in terms of 100 to 300 to 500 point losses instead of right now somewhere between a 1500 and 2000 point loss since a week a go last Monday.

As the stock market losses increase so do Trump's chances increase of being impeached dollar by dollar. Because even though he may take the credit for the dramatic rise he will also have to take the BLAME for it's larger drops like this one.

The Stock market lost 1050 points last week. Whatever losses today will have to be added to that.

Let's say we have a 6% or more loss in the last 8 days. This loss will be laid at Trump's feet.

 Trump has cost this country (and all worldwide investors) at least 1 1/2 trillion dollars in value in the last week.

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