Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Phytoplankton in the ocean makes 1/2 of world's oxygen so we can breathe

The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

Save the Plankton, Breathe Freely - National Geographic Society

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Source of Half Earth's Oxygen Gets Little Credit - National Geographic

Jun 7, 2004 - In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton release oxygen into the water. Half of the world's oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis. The other half is produced via photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants.

Humans breathe in oxygen and our bodies covert the oxygen to carbon dioxide which then has to be converted back to oxygen for us to breathe.

The main things that create oxygen from carbon dioxide are Trees and plants and phytoplankton in the oceans.

When we cut down trees or through pollution or global warming change things there is less Oxygen not only for humans to breath but less oxygen for ANY living thing on earth as well.

Humans cannot process the oxygen when it is in the form of carbon dioxide. That's why you need fresh air inside your car or room and why windows have to be opened periodically so you have enough oxygen to breathe because all the carbon dioxide you breathe out cannot sustain you if you keep breathing it over and over again so you need fresh oxygen from outside to breathe.

Because if you are just breathing "Stale Air" which is carbon dioxide you will eventually die.

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