Monday, February 12, 2018

Thinking a lot after this Healing Conference

John Douglas (the Australian Healer) was talking about how: "There is only one truth and how politics usually isn't truthful."

It made me think that writing what I write and quote is less helpful than I originally thought it might be.

Most of what we see on Television is at best "Hype" and what is my karma just scaring people with Hype that 1/2 of the time might not even be true?

What is the one quality that Politics in the U.S. has since Trump got into office? Insanity.

What am I accomplishing by relaying the insanity in the news?

It's a hard call in some ways.

If people don't ferret out the truth we lose our government.

But, if people just freak out have nervous breakdowns form reading or hearing the news and find they can't do anything about it, what use is that?

So, I'm thinking "What is useful to help my country and mankind?"

What is useful to save my country and mankind?

I think we all need to be asking this question about now before Trump and Putin and XI and Kim Jong Un turn the world into an asteroid belt with every living thing on earth dead forever.

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