Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Will the #MeToo movement worldwide be a good thing or a bad thing or both?

It will inevitably be both in both the short run and the long run.

It will definitely in the long run permanently change the ongoing relationships between ALL men and women worldwide. Whether you see this as good or bad depends upon your point of view.

That could be good in some ways but more likely both good and bad at the same time.

It is more likely to be good for women and more likely to be bad for men.

For example, the thing as an intuitive that keeps sticking in my mind is "Artificial insemination"

What do I mean by that?

The most likely long term result of this is men and women likely will have sex less and so there will be less children born worldwide because of the #MeToo Movement.

I can almost guarantee this at this point looking forwards.

However, obviously there are unknowns that none of us know about presently too.

But, it is very easy to say that it will be as bad as it is good in the long run AND in the short run.

But, the biggest change will be this:

the #MeToo movement will be a nail in the coffin of all Patrilineal religions worldwide.

So, if you are attached to patrilinial religions like Christianity or Islam or Hinduism you might be very sad at the outcome 100 to 500 years from now.

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