Monday, May 21, 2018

Pence warns North Korea it could end up like Libya

I've never heard ANY president or Vice president talk like this before. I'm not sure how useful this is going to be. IF you were Kim Jong Un how would you feel? How would you think? I think he would think nuking Washington DC from a submarine launching missiles like our submarines launch tridents on his way out of his body might be what he would consider because he really doesn't care about his people much. So, saying this just might be counter productive. Shady Side Virginia on the coast of the Atlantic is only 203 miles away on the Atlantic Ocean and if you went up the Potomac River under water you might get much closer than that. What if they have a nuclear tipped cruise missile that could launch from the Potomac or from the Atlantic. That wouldn't give us much time to respond. Threatening ANY nuclear power on earth might not be very useful in this context because Kim Jong Un is a tyrant and not a normal ruler on earth to begin with. Qaddhaffi was kind of silly compared to Kim Jong Un. I think threatening Kim Jong Un in this way is a mistake.
begin quote from:Pence warns North Korea it could end up like Libya

Pence: North Korea will end like Libya only if 'Kim Jong Un doesn't make a deal'

Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence warned North Korea that it could end up like Libya if it fails to make a nuclear deal with the United States.
"There was some talk about the Libyan model last week, and you know, as the President made clear, this will only end like the Libyan model ended if Kim Jong Un doesn't make a deal," Pence said in an interview that aired Monday evening on Fox News.
When it was noted that the comparison could be interpreted as a threat, Pence replied: "Well, I think it's more of a fact."
President Donald Trump's national security adviser John Bolton's comment that the Trump administration is looking at invoking Libya as an example on how to conduct a potential nuclear agreement with North Korea was met with concern from the Kim regime.
    A North Korean official said Bolton's comments were indicative of an "awfully sinister move" to imperil the Kim regime.
    Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi agreed to abandon his nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief in the early 2000s. Within years, Gadhafi was overthrown and killed by rebels backed by Washington.
    This comparison led the White House to initially downplay Bolton's comments -- White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said last week that "there's not a cookie cutter model on how this would work."
    "This is the President Trump model. He's going to run this the way he sees fit. We're 100% confident, as we've said many times before, as I'm sure you're all aware, he's the best negotiator and we're very confident on that front," she added.
    On Monday, Pence said during his Fox News interview that under Trump's leadership, the US "is not going to tolerate the regime in North Korea possessing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that threaten the United States and our allies."
    Trump is scheduled to sit down with Kim in June, however, in recent weeks North Korea has threatened to cancel the talks if it is pushed "into a corner" regarding nuclear disarmament.
    "The reality is that we hope for a peaceable solution," Pence said. "The President remains open to a summit taking place, and will continue to pursue that path even while we stand strong on the objective of denuclearization and the extreme pressure campaign that's underway today."

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