Monday, May 21, 2018

One of the strangest things I've read recently

It seems that in Ireland and England KFC (That's right Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets!) ran out of chicken.

How? You might say might this happen?

Well. It's the principle "Anything that can go wrong will eventually go wrong!" And in this case by changing delivery companies to DHL from another one, DHL completely screwed up their chicken deliveries to the point where ALL the KFC's in Ireland and England and possibly even Scotland had to close their doors because they ran out of chicken.

How is it possible something like this could happen you say?

Well. How is it possible that Trump got elected? That was impossible too.

But happened thanks to Putin.

And now we might even lose our democracy because of that fluke thanks to Putin as well.

How's Putin doing by the way?

He's happy as a clam to create such a complete disaster for the U.S. and the entire world!

And as an intuitive the strangest thing about this is that 1billion people either die that wouldn't have (about 250 million of them this century) and because of this 750 million people (their children and  grand children don't get born). But also because of this Trump change we don't go extinct as a human race and the earth doesn't become a 2nd asteroid belt in the solar system.

Too bad we might also lose our democracy because of Trump too?

This last point of whether we lose our democracy and all human rights is actually up to all of us!

How much do we want human rights for all Americans and everyone on earth?

IF we actually want human rights we are going to have to fight for them!

By Fighting against all the corporations and Trumps that want to make us just slaves worldwide and that's all.

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