Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why not believing in fairness is more useful

If you know life isn't fair and never has been then you never expect to be treated fairly. So, you go get what you need from life. You become an opportunist. You don't wait for life to bring you perfect things with a silver spoon in your mouth. You just go get what you need to survive.

If you don't do this then you wind up crazy and alone and without anything.

Because life isn't going to be fair to you.

Go get what you need to survive.

If you don't you won't.

It's that simple.

It's like an animal waiting for someone to feed them in the forest.

Unless that animal goes hunting it just starves and dies.

The same is actually true for people.

You don't have to be mean about it but just go get what you need to survive in life.

Otherwise you won't.

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