Saturday, August 25, 2018

Experience is the BEST teacher


In the present Internet Age we are seeing the problem of unsubstantiated information. In the past, like in the 1950s people tended less to relay unsubstantiated information simply because to do so often causes people to kill each other without good cause.

So, the closer to the truth any information you can share is, the closer to your direct experience it is the more likely that truth will help and not harm people around you and people in general.

It is true that some people don't live in reality at all (and we see them often walking down the street talking to themselves) on busy city streets and often we hope they don't just one day walk in front of a bus or something.

But, that's not the average person on earth. Most people who can get food and shelter (somehow) and who can survive another way try at least to share factual information with others simply because they know that to share falsehoods interferes generally with people's survival including their own.

In the last year or two for example, women are accusing men of all sorts of things. But, this presupposes that women are perfect which they are not if you want to believe everything that they say. But, it's also true that men are not perfect either.

It's like the example of the lady accusing Weinstein of Sexual misconduct and then it being reported that she seduced a minor male. Who are you going to believe in this situation?

It's true that all sorts of things happen to males and females around the world. But, who are you going to believe?

My premise is that females have no exclusive right to truth any more than males do. And to exclusively believe either of them might be a serious problem for everyone.

All people, male and female get away with whatever they can in life and if you think women are perfect or that men are perfect then you are still a child in your mind if not in body.

So, the closer we can come to the truth of our own experience the more we can help others. But, when that truth borders on delusion for any of us, that is when we need to be careful.

And when sexual fantasies get involved in people's lives (especially from about age 12 to 40) then the truth often cannot be found in those people (at least regarding anything to do with their sexual fantasies). And this is true just as much for men as it is for women.

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