Monday, August 27, 2018

The Nature of Reality

Or "you are what you eat or don't eat".

I remember my first wife around when I met her in 1973 telling me that "Everything you eat is a drug in that it affects your consciousness." At the time this was both unsettling but at the time I also realized she was right.

In this way of looking at things I often wonder what mass killers have been eating or not eating in their lives which made them kill all sorts of people along the way?

So, in order to be kind to yourself and others what you eat or don't eat is very very important because of everything you eat having a "Drug like" effect on everything you do.

You drink Coffee for example, Or strong tea often to wake up in the morning even if you couldn't sleep the night before for example. Which also can throw off your personal body clock in various ways and affect your metabolism in both positive or negative ways.

For example, I ONLY tend to drink coffee when I want to stay awake while I'm driving. I find I don't always like Energy drinks because of my age and because I'm not always sure of the effect they are going to have on me.

This is because I remember only taking Valium one time in my life in order to make it home from Asia while flying 7 hours from Bangkok to Japan at Narito Airport and then flying another 11 hours from Japan to San Francisco and thinking the Valium was going to keep me calm. That isn't what actually happened because there were teenage Japanese Boys sitting behind me on my flight from Japan to San Francisco that were so excited to go to San Francisco that I wanted to beat them up to make them shut up the last 3 or 4 hours of the flight to San Francisco. So, because of this I never took Valium again because I realized I just couldn't deal with this drug at all.

But also you have to remember I had been away from the U.S. for 4 months and had a bad case of Giardia and so did 4 of us of the 5 members of my family then who were traveling together across Asia.

So, there also were extenuating circumstances.

But, my point here is that "Be careful what you eat because everything you eat does have a drug like effect on you and you sort of have to think about what effect is whatever you are going to eat going to have on your consciousness?"

I know most people don't think that way but I have learned to. This helps in choosing what you are going to eat next. So, if you are able to choose wisely (in other words if you have enough wealth to be able to actually buy what is going to keep you sane and not become a loose cannon here on earth I advise you to do it.

One way is to never eat things like GMO Corn Syrup which you find in most soft drinks. Another thing you don't want to eat is Sodium Nitrates like you often find in hot dogs. For example, I went to the movies recently and stupidly bought a hot dog there and then almost couldn't remember my name by the time I got home and thought to myself "What a Dumbass! I shouldn't have eaten a hot dog with sodium Nitrates in it that's why I'm having trouble thinking!" So, I pledged to myself that's the last time I'm ever eating a hot dog with sodium nitrate in it.

So, unless you choose wisely what you are going to eat next then you are going to have all sorts of problems as if you had taken some strange drug (because this is de facto what you have done by eating at "MacDonalds or other fast food places" or you drank Soft drinks with GMO Corn syrup for sweeteners." Then people wonder why they pull out a gun and shoot someone or something because of all the bad shit they just ate!

So, if you are really thoughtless about what you put into your mouth you often wind up dead eventually likely before 30 or 40 years of age.

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