Sunday, August 26, 2018

I was reading about the Awesome as a UFO

This would be the "Memories part 2 and 3" at

A Time Space displacement ship (Our government has one or more of these that I saw in 1974 (the imprint and in 1992 "I saw the real thing over the city of Mt. Shasta" accompanied by 3 Chinook 45 passenger capacity Helicopters that after this thing "disappeared?" (maybe Traveled time) the three helicopters accompanying it then flew towards Area 51 I believe in Nevada along Highway 89 in that direction from the little City of Mt. Shasta where I was then renting about an acre of land with a house and fruit trees on it in town Near Lily's restaurant then.

At the time I was washing dishes and my oldest stepson was a fireman by then and lived in the SF Bay area but when he was little we would go out and identify helicopters because we both were interested in them. So, when a cacophany of helicopter blades were breaking the sound barrier because of the altitude they had to fly at which likely was between 5000 and 6000 feet because the town is about 3800 feet so flying lower likely wouldn't be safe to do at that altitude. So, because of all the racket from the 3 blades front and 3 blades in back of each of the three Chinook helicopters I went outside to identify which helicopters were making this incredible sound breaking racket. So, then they stopped suddenly in the air in formation like military helicopters might do for some purpose. That was when I saw it when they had stopped in the air in formation. A Silver UFO of the same shape and size exactly of the print I had found in the snow at Bunny Flats! Amazing!

So, I wouldn't let myself Blink because I knew this was a once in a lifetime event I was witnessing the summer of 1992 on a cloudless day with 3 helicopters stationary in the sky with a Silver Flying saucer right beneath them.

And then it just disappeared soundlessly!

And I thought about how it could just disappear?

Then I knew there were only two explanations that made any sense at all.

1. It sped away at such a speed that it appeared to disappear.

2. Or it traveled through time.

OR Both!

But, it's 1 or 2 or both likely.

But, there was no sound it made at all in addition to the incredible noises all those helicopter blades were making. Imagine this, three blades per rotor, two rotors per helicopter and 3 helicopters so there were 6 rotors so 18 blades were breaking the sound barrier. It was incredibly loud and in broad daylight.

So, imagine the audaciousness of our military doing this in broad daylight with no markings on the helicopters and them all painted grey. There was no insignia or numbers on any of these helicopters and they all were painted grey.

So, from my point of view if you ask if the U.S. military has time travel my answer would likely be:


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